
Hutchinson revolutionized ecology in the 1950s with his description of species requirements in terms of its “n-dimensional hypervolume” (Hutchinson 1957). The dimensions define the environmental requirements of a species or life history. EDT evaluates habitat quality using this Hutchinsonian niche concept, describing ecological space through the eyes of a focal species, where the realized niche is the fundamental niche constrained by real-world biotic and abiotic factors. EDT filters niche breadth via life-stage habitat rules, and niche height through the definition of life history tactics. EDT allows flexible parameterization of life-histories, and can be used to develop hypotheses regarding the success of various life histories under environmental scenarios. Examining potential success of multiple life history tactics emulates how selection may act on a diverse genetic framework and select for or against tactics to allow for viability under a given restoration and reintroduction scenario. We developed and peer reviewed seven biologically reasonable life history tactics (Table 1) to be evaluated against the current and future habitat conditions.

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