
Preclinical study of the drugs toxicity was analysed it allows predicting the safety of veterinary drugs in laboratory animals. The fundamental normative instruments in the field of preclinical study of drugs for veterinary medicine and animal husbandry are Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 06.03.2018 N 101 and GOST 33044-2014 Principles of Good Laboratory Practice. An important indicator of the preclinical study of the veterinary drugs is the determination (calculation) of median lethal dose value (lethal dose for half of the animals tested) or concentration (LD50 or LC50). Existing methods for determining this indicator make it possible at the initial study stage to determine the degree and class the drug of toxicity. Studying the symptoms of intoxication in the analysis of pharmacological substances one obtains significant information about the nature of the action of the future drug. The clinical manifestations of intoxication with damage to various organ systems are presented. As criteria for assessing the toxic effects of veterinary drugs it is recommended to determine LD50, cumulation coefficient, latitude index of therapeutic effects, dose level of toxic effects in the experiment which allows predicting the nature and degree of toxic effects of the drug even at the stage of preclinical veterinary drugs study.

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