
Modern machine building, instrument making, robotics, optical production, aircraft industry and other industries where mechanical devices are manufactured and used, are closely linked to the need for accurate measurement of the movement of objects and measurements of their linear dimensions. The variety of areas of use of devices for measuring linear displacements and distances, the constant growth of the requirements for the accuracy of the sensors, the range of measurable quantities, as well as the orientation to solving specific practical problems, suggest that the development and research of new meters for linear displacements and distance meters, as well as improvements of existing sensors are an important and relevant task. Practical examples of problems solved by existing meters of linear quantities are the control and measurement of the geometric characteristics of the product (dimensional measurement, dimensional deviation of form and location of surfaces); ensuring precise positioning of separate units of assembly units when they are assembled in precision instrumentation; precise positioning of moving elements, etc. Among the various technical solutions for the creation of high-precision measuring devices, the meters should be noted with the contact method of measurement and the use of inductive converters with a digital reference measurement result. Contact displacement meters using inductive sensors are characterized by the ease of production and use. They are unpretentious to the environment and have rather high metrological characteristics.

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