The mu nu mathrm {SSM} is a simple supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (SM) capable of predicting neutrino physics in agreement with experiment. In this paper we perform the complete one-loop renormalization of the neutral scalar sector of the mu nu mathrm {SSM} with one generation of right-handed neutrinos in a mixed on-shell/{overline{mathrm {DR}}} scheme. The renormalization procedure is discussed in detail, emphasizing conceptual differences to the minimal (MSSM) and next-to-minimal (NMSSM) supersymmetric standard model regarding the field renormalization and the treatment of non-flavor-diagonal soft mass parameters, which have their origin in the breaking of R-parity in the mu nu mathrm {SSM}. We calculate the full one-loop corrections to the neutral scalar masses of the mu nu mathrm {SSM}. The one-loop contributions are supplemented by available MSSM higher-order corrections. We obtain numerical results for a SM-like Higgs boson mass consistent with experimental bounds. We compare our results to predictions in the NMSSM to obtain a measure for the significance of genuine mu nu mathrm {SSM}-like contributions. We only find minor corrections due to the smallness of the neutrino Yukawa couplings, indicating that the Higgs boson mass calculations in the mu nu mathrm {SSM} are at the same level of accuracy as in the NMSSM. Finally we show that the mu nu mathrm {SSM} can accomodate a Higgs boson that could explain an excess of gamma gamma events at sim 96 ,mathrm {GeV} as reported by CMS, as well as the 2,sigma excess of b bar{b} events observed at LEP at a similar mass scale.
One of the prime candidates for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) is supersymmetry (SUSY), which doubles the particle degrees of freedom by predicting two scalar partners for all SM fermions, as well as fermionic partners to all bosons
This is of crucial importance for the comparison of the scalar masses in the μνSSM and the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), since in the NMSSM the soft slepton masses m2 are independent parameters, while in the μνSSM the diagonal elements are dependent parameters fixed by the tadpole Eq (15), when the vevs are used as input
The μνSSM is a simple SUSY extension of the SM that is capable of predicting neutrino physics in agreement with experimental data
One of the prime candidates for physics beyond the SM is supersymmetry (SUSY), which doubles the particle degrees of freedom by predicting two scalar partners for all SM fermions, as well as fermionic partners to all bosons. As in the NMSSM, the couplings of the doublet-like Higgses to the gauge-singlet right-handed sneutrino provide additional contributions to the tree-level mass of the SM-like Higgs boson, relaxing the prediction of the MSSM, that it is bounded from above by the Z boson mass. Still it was shown in the NMSSM [26] that a consistent treatment of the quantum corrections is necessary for accurate Higgs mass predictions
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