
Youth tobacco use remains a prominent United States public health issue with a high economic and health burden. We pooled never and ever users at youth's first wave of PATH participation (waves 1-3) to estimate age of initiation for hookah, e-cigarettes, cigarettes, traditional cigars, cigarillos, and smokeless tobacco prospectively (waves 2-4). Age of initiation of each tobacco product was estimated using weighted interval-censored survival analyses. Weighted interval censoring Cox-proportional hazards regression models were used to assess the association of ever use of the TP at the first wave of PATH participation, sex, and race/ethnicity on the age of initiation of ever use of each tobacco product. Sensitivity analyses were performed to understand the impact of the recalled age of initiation for the left-censored participants by replacing the recalled age of initiation with a uniform "6" years lower bound. The proportion of those who ever used each tobacco product at the first wave of PATH participation ranged from 1.8% for traditional cigars to 10.4% for cigarettes. There was a significant increase in ever use of each tobacco product after the age of 14, with e-cigarettes and cigarettes showing the highest cumulative incidence of initiation by age 21, while smokeless and cigarillos recorded the lowest cumulative incidence by age 21. The adjusted Cox models showed boys initiated at earlier ages for all of these tobacco products except for hookah, which showed no difference. Similarly, apart from ever use of hookah, non-Hispanic White youth were more likely to initiate each tobacco product at earlier ages compared to Hispanic, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic Other youth. The increased sample size and the inclusion of ever users yielded greater precision for age of initiation of each tobacco product than analyses limited to never users at the first wave of PATH participation. These analyses can help elucidate population selection criteria for estimating the age of initiation of tobacco products.

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