
The article is devoted to the study of biblical words and phrases viewed as precedent units. The research is based on poetry by Lina Kostenko. Different types of biblical words and phrases which are used in literary works are described. It was found out that such units can reflect expression and emotions, express information which is important for the author in a poetic text, appeal to the cultural memory of the addressee, become bonds of semantic-compositional structure of the literary work. Biblical units as elements of poetic works are connected with the overlapping of senses of two texts – the precedent text and the author's one. The former refers to ancient events, and words from the Bible perform a nominative function. The latter reveals connotative meanings and some new senses. Precedent biblical units become a way of organizing a lyrical narrative. Partially, in the result of semantic compression biblical words and phrases become the initial units of a lyrical work, on which the rethinking of Gospel situation is based. Through them, the author builds new senses relevant to a modern reader. The use of biblical words and phrases enhances the perlocutionary effect aimed at changing the addressee’s views and values. In such a way, new meanings which are important for the author's conceptosphere are actualized, and the causes of precedent events are understood. Having generalized the specificity of the use of precedent biblical units in the communicative space of Lina Kostenko's works, we can single out a number of functions performed by them in the author's poetry, namely: - stylistic function of using biblical units as expressive means, allusions; - compositional function of using biblical words and phrases as bonds of semanticcompositional structure of the work; - compositional function of using biblical nominations in order to express the lyrical hero’s feelings related to the eternal plot; - pragmatic function of contrasting lyrical and biblical plots, accompanied by the interpretation of the latter in accordance with the author's intention to encourage the addressee to think critically about the gospel plot. The intensity of informational influence connected with the use of biblical words and phrases in the poetic works by L. Kostenko forms a pragmatic effect of encouraging the reader to think, debate and form certain beliefs or assessments.

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