
This research attempts to develop a suitable Multicultural Pedagogical Module in teaching Visual Arts Education for upper secondary students. This study focuses on the teachers' understanding and acceptance towards multicultural education and to test the usability of interactive multimedia by repurposing the existing technology. The present research utilizes the Design and Development method focusing on the processes of developing a module which is useful in teaching of Visual Arts Education at upper secondary level. The three phases in this research are Phase one: Need Analysis, Phase two: Design and Development and Phase three: Implementation and Evaluation. However, in this study only the phase of implementation and evaluation which involve 30 pre-service Visual Art Education teachers from local university are reported. The research outcomes consist of text module, interactive multimedia presentation, lesson plan and teaching aid for VAE teachers. The results from the document analysis and semi-structured interview show that the module has a high potential to become a new pedagogical approach that is responsive to multicultural education while enhancing communication skills between the teacher and students in diverse classroom setting.

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