
The main aim of this article is to analyze the position of Law and Justice party (PiS) towards in vitro fertilization (IVF) at the level of ideological and political agenda, results of parliamentary votes, and views of the electorate. Therefore, the following concepts were analyzed: the Law and Justice party doctrinal stereotype, the party's political stance on IVF, draft bills, the position of the party's club in the parliament towards the aforementioned and the results of parliamentary votes alongside the views of the electorate on IVF. Recognizing that human dignity begins with conception, the Law and Justice party is in favor of banning IVF and imposing criminal punishments for carrying it out, experimenting on embryos, and destroying them. These methods include: qualitative analysis of ideological and political program assumptions, institutional and legal assumptions, quantitative analysis of existing data. In order to determine the position of the party's electorate towards IVF, the announcements of the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) were analyzed.

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