
The Pragamatics represents a critical theory that deals with the analysis of discourse and is related in different fields such as philosophy, law, economics and the arts. It appears in multiple analyzes that study the special phenomena in these fields in the linguistic analyzes, which require studying all the rationales and problems according to the surrounding of many questions. Functional purpose, contextual and communicative aspects, and are therefore subject to evidential and developmental processes leading to interpretation. On this basis, it has evolved into several paths resulting from the different specialties of researchers in the interests of deliberative theory. The deliberative process is also concerned with the study of the technical work according to the objective communication between the artist, the message, the artistic work, and research on how to deal with the technical elements in the visual achievement, And the mechanisms of the process of evidence in the processing of the outputs of the plastic analysis of the discourse in the work, which necessitates a Pragmatics reading aware of the significance and Beyond the above to discuss the intent of the message and the context, resulting from the interactive installations between the sender and the work and the future, which are implicit in conjunction with the appropriate context. Based on this, the study is entitled “Pragmatics between formal transformations and technological applications”. This paper contains the problem of what are the formal and technical transformations in the contemporary plastic pattern? The study discusses the concept of Pragmatics and approach in reading the transformations of the contemporary art, including the new media art and its technical and formal representations. Under the last title “results and discussion”, the findings of the study are Summarized.

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