
Statement of the problem. This paper is devoted to the design of the educational Russian-Arabic phraseological dictionary within the framework of pragmatic and cultural orientation. The article analyzes existing phraseological dictionaries, which are used to determine the criteria for creating a training Russian-Arabic phraseological dictionary. It also describes the stages of its construction. The article examines the criteria for selecting phraseological units and aphorisms and composing a language minimum, in which phraseological units and aphorisms with a cultural component of semantics are of particular interest. Methods of semantization of these language units are analyzed, among which special attention is paid to cultural commentary. Results. The paper analyzes explanatory and bilingual phraseological dictionaries of different eras, and shows their advantages and disadvantages. The composition of phraseology is investigated, the stages of creating an educational Russian-Arabic phraseological dictionary are outlined, criteria for selection, classification, as well as the semantization of phraseological units and aphorisms are offered. Conclusion. The correct perception and use of phraseological units and aphorisms of the Russian language by foreign students requires an adapted bilingual phraseological dictionary. A phraseological dictionary creation assumes the decision of a question on the composition of the phraseology. We believe that the reproducibility of language units is a common denominator and therefore an important criterion for including aphorisms in phraseology on an equal basis with phraseological units, but still taking into account the peculiarities of each language unit. It seems to us that the pragmatic and culturological aspects of modern bilingual phraseography lies in the need to build a dictionary taking into account, firstly, the communicative significance of phraseological units and aphorisms, secondly, the pragmatic function of these units, i.e. their purposeful impact on the addressee, and thirdly, their cultural content and its sign relationship with the language. Therefore, when designing the macrostructure of a dictionary entry, it is necessary not only to give the pragmatic properties of phraseological units and aphorisms, i.e. features of denotative relationships, emotional evaluation, style, cultural saturation, but also to reveal under what conditions and for what purpose these units were produced.

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