
The questions of practice-oriented education in professional educational organizations are considered. The conditions and results of practice-oriented professional education are analyzed. The mechanisms of synchronization of interaction between professional educational organization and employers through the introduction of practice-oriented education are studied. The article presents a practice-oriented model of training a specialist of the railway industry of Volgograd Technical School of Railway Transport — branch of Rostov State Transport University. It is determined that the proposed model of practice-oriented work with students of the branch can be applied by other professional educational organizations to train specialists with moral and business qualities of personality, quickly adapting to changing working conditions, capable of original and non-standard solutions. The monitoring of employers’ satisfaction with the quality of education conducted in 2023 shows an increase in the level of theoretical and practical training by 9 %. 83.3 % of employers during the monitoring noted the compliance of the branch graduates’ training with professional standards. The model of practice-oriented work with students allows to synchronize the mechanisms of interaction between the educational organization and employers through the introduction of practice-oriented training, creating conditions that have a benefi cial eff ect on the quality of educational services.

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