
The article analyzes the complex of processing of bone raw materials in the production. The project of complex processing of recycled raw materials of meat processing enterprises is offered. It was recommended and substantiated promising directions for the recycling of raw materials for the production of bone flour, bone food animal fats and dry bouillon concentrate. The problems of rational use of recycled resources are shown on the example of processing of raw bones using the lines Y8-FLK for shredding, transportation, fat separation, drying and grinding of the finished product. Products of bone processing on the lines of Y8-FLK – edible bone fat and bone flour. The production of concentrated bone broth is carried out in K7-FV3-B machines, which provide for the continuous removal of fat and broth. The drying of the broth is provided in the drying plant A1-FMU with the use of the process in the vibro-boiling layer of inert material from fluoroplastic cubes. Drying in this way allows to get an animal protein that retains all the nutritional qualities. The dry protein was mixed with flavored fat, dried chopped vegetables and spices. The main factor in the amount of removal of protein components from the bones is the type of raw material – raw bone or bone residue after mechanical admission by pressing. The maximum removal of the protein components was obtained using a bone remnant after mechanical supplementation. Аccording to the project, proposed on the 1st floor of the annex was provided department for the receiving of dry bone, production of bone meal and its storage, on the II-th – a division of bulging of bone fats, on the III-th – a branch of drying broth, the preparation of dry broth with spices, cleansing of bone fat. The project provides for the processing of bone raw materials in the amount of 8 t/s. The technology of processing bone raw materials was carried out as follows: on the lines of Y8-FLK, also – lumbar bones (skull bones, shoulder blades, femur bones), ribbones, vertebrae – 6 t/s., in machines K7-FV3-B – tubular bones and fists (2 t/s). The project allows solving the problem of complex bone processing: production of bone fat, bone meal, dry bouillon.


  • Practical experience and perspectives in solving the problem of complex use of bone raw materials at meat industry

  • The article analyzes the complex of processing of bone raw materials in the production

  • The problems of rational use of recycled resources are shown on the example of processing of raw bones using the lines Y8-FLK for shredding, transportation, fat separation, drying and grinding of the finished product

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Article info

Moldavanova, L., Drachuk, U., Basarab, I., Romashko, I., Halukh, B., & Krynska, N. (2018). У статті проведено аналіз комплексної переробки кісткової сировини на виробництві. Продукти переробки кісток на лініях Я8-ФЛК – харчовий кістковий жир і кісткове кормове борошно. У м’ясі забійних тварин кількісне співвідношення тканин становить: м’язева тканина – 50–70%, сполучна – 9–14%, жирова – 3–20%, кісткова і хрящова – 15– 22%. Аналіз хімічного складу кісток забійних тварин свідчить, що найбільшу кількість білків містять трубчасті кістки (17–23%), кулаки – до 21%, кількість кісткового жиру відповідно – (13–24%) і (18–23%) (Cherevko et al, 2010). Хрящова тканина складається із аморфної (основної) щільної речовини. Вирішення цієї проблеми можливе завдяки розробці проектної документації з комплексної переробки кісткової сировини, із використанням у технології сучасного енергозберігаючого технологічного обладнання та раціонального використанням виробничих площ (Volik et al, 2011; Fajvishevskij, 2012)

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