
Most bovine veterinarians will encounter situations where an animal is unlikely to respond favorably to treatment. For both humane and economic reasons veterinarians should assume leadership and advise their clients with realistic predictions about expected outcomes for such animals. The likelihood of treatment success, the potential for animal suffering, the presence of drug residues, and the low probability of passing market inspection are considerations that can make humane euthanasia of a patient the best available option. Too often this decision is postponed, resulting in animal suffering as well as further economic loss for the owner.
 Our oath as veterinarians compels us to relieve suffering, and the conduct of humane euthanasia is one of the means available to meet this commitment. There are several methods of euthanasia available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. It is important for the bovine veterinarian to be appraised of these methods in order to chose the best option for a given situation.

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