
Human population is growing every day, and their diets often contain far less protein per day than is advised. The poultry business has faced difficulties, particularly in the tropics and in developing countries, due to the shortage and high price of poultry feeds, which make up 60–80 percent of the total cost of poultry products. This reflects both the relatively low cost and the customer’s need for these high-quality and secure items. Eggs are one of the high food’s proteins. One of the advantages of egg protein compared to other animal protein its high digestibility, meaning every gram protein that enters will be digested in the body perfectly. A typical strategy to prevent these negative effects is to increase the intrinsic antioxidant content by the dietary insertion of natural antioxidants, such as feed fortification with a combination of moringa leaves and turmeric leaves. Nowadays, Moringa oleifera has mostly been employed on farm animals to improve their well-being and productivity. Because moringa leaves have well-established health benefits, they are frequently utilized as functional ingredients in chicken feed., the production of eggs that were higher in carotene and lower in cholesterol than the control eggs due to favourable impacts on the health of the hens and the quality of their eggs Turmeric, a plant with several medicinal use, belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and is known under the name Curcuma. Numerous research has documented the medicinal benefits of turmeric, notably its antioxidant properties. This review's objective was to analyse the antioxidant activity and cholesterol-lowering effects of functional eggs made with fortified moringa leaves and turmeric.

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