The study of the relations of cultural elements, namely multiculturalism and politics, is still relatively developed. Because, the study is vulnerable to conflict, especially when faced with the word majority and minority in the realm of political institutions. As a country with a pluralistic background inhabited by various ethnicities, racial religions and Indonesian culture, certainly requires an in-depth study of the fulfilment of minority rights in the political institutions. This paper is a simple theoretical study of a combination of multiculturalism and institutionalism approaches to explain the prospects of minority involvement in formulating public policies and political institutions that must be present in accommodating the political rights of minority groups. The conclusions in this article are, the power of multiculturalism in political institutions is as follows: (1) multicultural countries must be able to provide lessons for the whole world about the meaning of diversity; (2) the institution becomes a bridge in absorbing all the aspirations of the people and carrying out the law and applying the law indiscriminately; (3) multiculturalism is actually not enough to discuss minority rights in political institutions but conflicts with grassroots sources; (4) the strength of multiculturalism in political institutions is how this study works in maintaining the harmony of the nation and state.
The study of the relations of cultural elements, namely multiculturalism and politics, is still relatively developed
The study is vulnerable to conflict, especially when faced with the word majority and minority in the realm of political institutions
As a country with a pluralistic background inhabited by various ethnicities, racial religions and Indonesian culture, certainly requires an in-depth study of the fulfillment of minority rights in political instiusi
Sebagai negara yang berlatar belakang suku, agama ras dan budaya yang majemuk Indonesia membutuhkan sebuah instrumen dan kajian strategik dalam rangka menciptakan persatuan dan kesatuan. Fenomena ini tentu menjadi sesuatu yang menakutkan, mengingat Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang heterogen tentu instrumen tentang multikultural tetap akan subur. Maka jika umat Islam yang mayoritas harus berbicara tentang hak-hak minoritas tentu hal ini menjadi sesuatu yang menantang (challenging) (Suprapto, 2012). Sebagai umat mayoritas di Indonesia, umat Islam secara tidak langsung memiliki tanggungjawab moral untuk mengembangkan sebuah pola hubungan dengan minoritas secara ramah, produktif dan humanis. Hal tersebut juga diatur dalam Undang-undang perlindungan hukum terhadap hak asasi kelompok-kelompok minoritas di Indonesia dalam pasal 28 D dan pasal 28 I Undang-undang Dasar 1945, serta tercantum juga di Pasal 3 ayat (3) Undang-undang nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), sedangkan pasal 27 Kovenan Internasional Hak-Hak Sipil dan Politik (Internasional Covenant and Political Right) yang telah diratifikasi dengan. Salah satunya adalah mengakomodir seluruh kepentingan masyarakat baik itu kelompok minoritas maupun mayoritas sesuai dengan undang-undang yang dijelaskan diatas
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