
The electrochemical behaviour of nickel has been investigated in H 2SO 4 and HCl solutions of various concentrations by means of the potentiodynamic method. In very dilute solutions, the low anodic current is controlled by the presence of pre-existing film. At higher concentrations the film is removed and dissolution occurs. In H 2SO 4 solutions, pseudopassivity, primary passivity, transpassivity and secondary passivity are observed prior to oxygen evolution. In all these regions, the rate of dissolution increases with acid concentration. In HCl solutions, the anodic polarization curves exhibit a current peak followed by a passivation region; the latter may not involve complete passivity. In the active region, the uniform dissolution is controlled by diffusion processes. In the passive region, local attack in the form of pitting occurs. In both acid solutions, the cathodic and anodic polarization curves satisfy Tafel's relation.

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