
The cellular changes leading to carcinoma of the lip are still not completely understood. This study was carried out on 44 malignant and potentially malignant lesions of the lower lip [30 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), 7 actinic cheilitis, 3 leukoplakias, and 4 nodal metastases from lower lip SCC]. Silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) and the immunohistochemical expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), p53, and c-myc were evaluated on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections. The results indicate that the size and numbers of AgNORs and the percentage of PCNA-positive cells are sensitive parameters for discriminating between potentially malignant lesions and SCC, and for the prognostic sub-typing of lower lip SCC. Furthermore, while p53 positivity was found more frequently in high-grade carcinomas, p53-positive cellular clones were also found in some potentially malignant lesions, a finding probably related to ultraviolet-related cellular damage. These p53-positive lesions could be considered at higher risk of progression to malignancy than the p53-negative ones, although there is no evidence for this as yet. c-myc positivity was found only in some high-grade carcinomas and metastases, and appeared correlated with the later phases of lip carcinogenesis. The combined evaluation of the proliferation status, together with the changes in p53 and c-myc oncoproteins, might constitute useful markers for the prognostic evaluation of potentially malignant, as well as malignant, lesions of the lip.

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