
Rural tourism is a recent offshoot of tourism sector that has grown up to be a potential business in its own space. Rural tourism is a form of nature based tourism that uncovers the rural life, culture, art and heritage at rural locations, thereby favoring the local communities socially and economically. Such form of tourism has created tremendous impact on the local economy and socio-cultural scenario of the concern area on one hand and carries a potential scope for the rural residents on the other hand. Rural tourism is an opportunity for rural development. The overall tourism industry in India has shown significant growth in the past decade. With trends like increasing levels of awareness, environmental consciousness, growing interest in heritage and culture and improved accessibility, rural tourism shows significant poise as a market opportunity. People from urban settings have a new vogue for knowledge about traditional ways of life, arts and crafts and experiencing the unexplored. Rich in traditions of culture, arts, crafts, ethnicity, cuisine and naturally scenic locale, rural India can emerge as the new hub for travelers and sightseers. The current study is an effort to create understanding of rural tourism from different angles and its importance. It also includes an overview of Indian rural tourism and its development.

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