
Currently, herbal medicines have attained great preferences over chemical drug based medicines due to more economic, lesser side effects on health and easy availability. Gokhru is an important medicinal plant which is being used in preparation of formulations in pharmaceutical companies. Gokhru is of two types i.e. Chhota gokhru (Tribulus terrestris) and Bada Gokhru (Pedalium murex L.). This review was conducted to study about these two important medicinal plants and their uses in curing various diseases. Further studies can be conducted on these two medicinal plant species by identifying their potential to develop into a new drug or to be used as a medicinal plant in curing various diseases. This review article mainly deals with botanical description, geographical distribution, ecology, environmental conditions required for growth, cultivation, utilization as a source of medicine and future prospect of Tribulus terrestris and Pedalium murex L.

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