
Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP) is a natural world heritage site located at the western tip of Java Island and on the edge of the Indian Ocean. This area of 122,956 ha has the potential for tsunami hazard originating from Mount Anak Krakatau and the Sunda Arc subduction zone. Almost no residents live in the UKNP region, however, it is the only place on earth that remains a habitat for the Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sundaicus) whose population is less than 100. This study aims to discuss the potential for tsunami hazards in UKNP originating from the earthquakes in Indian Ocean. The shallow water equation model was used to simulate the generation and propagation of tsunami waves. A total of 50 numerical gauges with intervals of 4 km were used as assessment points placed along the 190 km coastline of UKNP. From the simulation it can be seen that the height of the tsunami reaches 12.9 m around the coast of UKNP causes this area is vulnerable to tsunami hazards. This information can be used as consideration for the management of the UKNP area so that it can continue to preserve flora and fauna, especially to avoid the extinction of the Javan rhino.

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