
Potential of the Direct Current Arc Optical Emission Spectroscopy for the Determination of Elements in Naturally Mature Gram Seed


  • Pulse industry and its derived products have great economic and social importance worldwide as they are an excellent source of protein, carbohydrate, fibres and minerals

  • In order to identify the presence of micro- and macro-elements in the sample, the emission spectrum of the powder sample of the gram seeds and blank carbon tube has been recorded in the spectral region 300-900 nm at a resolution 0.3 nm

  • The position of the spectral line gives the identity of the element while the intensity of the line provides content of the identified element present in the naturally mature gram seed

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Pulse industry and its derived products have great economic and social importance worldwide as they are an excellent source of protein, carbohydrate, fibres and minerals. Gram is a highly nutritious food which provides a large number of health benefits It has high protein content; it can be consumed by vegetarians to fulfil their protein needs [1]. This necessitates the determination of nutrients profile in pulses for the quality control. Sample processing and digestion procedures are complex, laborious, time consuming, and increase the chance of sample contamination during pre-treatment. Such technique is required which is free from sample processing and digestion, fast, reliable, cost-effective, user friendly, eco-friendly, free from spectral interference and having simultaneous multi-el-

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