
This paper was associated with a WARFSA funded research project “Potential of rainwater harvesting in urban Zambia”. The general objective of the research was to investigate the applicability of rainwater harvesting in urban Zambia. This paper presents the results obtained at the time of writing the paper. Rainwater harvesting was not new to Zambia and there had been installations which were mainly confined to rural areas. Laboratory analysis of water samples from one such system showed that the water was suitable for drinking purposes. Two peri-urban areas of Lusaka were selected mainly based on the water stress in the areas. The socio-cultural survey conducted in the two areas indicated that water ranked among the top two priorities by the Residential Development Committee. Design of the systems was based on the mass curve analysis for storage and rational formula for the gutters. However, a maximum storage of 10 cubic meters was chosen due to budgetary limitation. Construction of five systems was in progress.

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