The distribution of hydrometeors is highly variable in space and time, since it is the result of a complex chain of processes with scales from microphysical (1e-6 m) to synoptical (1e3 m). It is a challenging task to observe these highly variable atmospheric constituents on a global scale with a temporal and spatial resolution sufficient for numerical weather prediction (NWP) and hydrological purposes. This study investigates the potential of the millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength range on space-borne sensors for hydrometeor and surface precipitation rate observations. The approach is based on simulations with cloud resolving models (CRMs) coupled to a radiative transfer (RT) model. The simulations are performed for mid-latitude cases covering a broad band of precipitation events such as heavy convective and light stratiform winter precipitation. Realistic atmospheric conditions were simulated with two mesoscale CRMs: the Meso-scale NonHydrostatic model (Meso-NH) on a 10 km and the COSMO-DE (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdeling-DEutschland) on a 2.8 km horizontal resolution. When calculating brightness temperatures for satellite observations with the one-dimensional radiative transfer model MWMOD (MicroWave MODel), the detailed cloud microphysics and the three-dimensional fields of temperature, humidity, and pressure of the CRMs are considered in the calculation of the interaction parameters. The model framework has been evaluated by comparing the simulated brightness temperature fields to observations of the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) as well as to those of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B). The results show a good agreement as long as the CRMs capture the atmospheric situation correctly. Consequently, by coupling the radiative transfer model for microwave radiation to CRMs it is possible to evaluate these models through comparison to microwave satellite observations. Brightness temperatures for frequencies between 50 and 428 GHz at nine observation angles have been simulated for five mid-latitude cases at two time steps. In combination with the vertically integrated hydrometeor contents, these brightness temperature simulations have been used to set up a database. On the basis of this database simple retrieval algorithms have been developed to estimate the potential of the millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength region for precipitation and hydrometeor observations. The results show, that especially for snow and graupel, the total column content can be retrieved accurately with relative errors smaller than 20% in stratiform precipitation cases over land and ocean surfaces. The performance for rain water path is similar to the one for graupel and snow in light precipitation cases. For the cases with higher precipitation amounts, the relative errors for rain water path are larger especially over land. The same behavior can be seen in the surface rain rate retrieval with the difference that the relative errors are doubled in comparison to the rain water path. Algorithms with a reduced number of frequencies show that window channels at higher frequencies are important for the surface rain rate retrieval. These are sensitive to the scattering in the ice phase related to the rain below. For the frozen hydrometeor retrieval, good results can be achieved by retrieval algorithms based only on frequencies at 150 GHz and above which are suitable for geostationary applications due to their reduced demands concerning the antenna size.
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