
Feed and drinking water are the most frequently used vehicles for administration of antibiotics in intensive pig production. Interactions of drugs with feed and water components may affect dissolution and bioavailability. Therefore, antibiotic formulations should be tested in order to assure their suitability for oral use. In this study, an oral fosfomycin (FOS) formulation was evaluated considering dissolution in water (soft and hard), release kinetics from feed in simulated gastrointestinal fluids and bioavailability after oral administration blended into feed or dissolved in water (soft and hard), to fed and fasted piglets. FOS reached immediate dissolution in soft and hard water. The presence of feed significantly decreased antibiotic dissolution in simulated intestinal medium. Bioavailability was lower when feed was used as a vehicle for FOS administration than when the drug was dissolved in water (soft or hard). The fed or fasted condition of piglets did not affect bioavailability. Probably, FOS interactions with feed components alter its dissolution in the gastrointestinal tract, and only a fraction of the dose would be available for absorption. This information must be considered to support decisions on eligibility of antibiotic pharmaceutical formulations and the vehicle for their administration in order to pursue a responsible use of antibiotics.

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