An integrated system between cattle and oil palm plantation has a great potency for development of bioindustry, either in the form of animal feed or organic fertilizer bioindustry. Bioindustry of cattle feed is developed from biomass of plantations, such as stem and leaves of palm, palm kernel and solid. Bioindustry of organic fertilizer is developed from cattle manure. The targets of development of bioindustry are palm plantations in Sumatera and Kalimantan regions, covering 9.25 million hectares. It is estimated to be able to produce biomass quantity as much as 54.60 million tons per year which can be used as fodder for 12.13 million animal unit (AU) of beef cattle, whereas currently there are only 3.06 million AU cattle in Sumatera and Kalimantan, so the opportunities for the addition of cattle in both islands are 9.07 million AU. The existing beef cattle population of 3.06 million AU has the potency to produce 6.1 million tons of organic fertilizer can be used to fertilize 3.0 million hectares, therefore the rest of 6.25 million hectares remain unfertilised. The prospect of bioindustries on integration system of cattle with oil palm plantations in Sumatera and Kalimantan is very potential to meet the needs of organic fertilizer for plants and to utilize oil palm biomass for cattle feed. Key words: Bioindustry, biomass of oil palm plantation, cattle manure
Sistem pertanian bioindustri adalah sistem pertanian yang mengelola dan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sumberdaya hayati termasuk biomasa dan limbah pertanian bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam suatu ekosistem dengan menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (Hendriadi 2014)
An integrated system between cattle and oil palm plantation has a great potency for development of bioindustry, either in the form of animal feed or organic fertilizer bioindustry
Bioindustry of cattle feed is developed from biomass of plantations, such as stem and leaves of palm, palm kernel and solid
Sistem integrasi sapi sawit memiliki potensi besar untuk pengembangan bioindustri, baik berupa bioindustri pakan ternak maupun pupuk organik. Bioindustri pakan ternak dikembangkan dari biomasa kebun sawit, antara lain pelepah dan daun sawit, bungkil inti sawit dan solid. Ini diperkirakan dapat menghasilkan pelepah dan daun sawit setiap tahun sebanyak 54,60 juta ton yang dapat digunakan sebagai pakan bagi 12,13 juta satuan ternak (ST) sapi, padahal saat ini baru terdapat 3,06 juta ST sapi di Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan, sehingga peluang penambahan sapi di kedua pulau tersebut masih tinggi yaitu 9,07 juta ST. Pengembangan bioindustri pada sistem integrasi sapi sawit di Sumatera dan Kalimantan sangat berpotensi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk organik bagi tanaman sawit maupun pemanfaatan biomasa kebun sawit untuk pakan ternak sapi
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