
Passive-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder frequently appeared in the world. The percentage of individuals who have this disorder is specifically high. In this paper, the causes and possible treatment for PTSD is investigated. The cause of PTSD is explored from two dimensions as social and individual angles. Such as personality or growing environment of an individual could be decisive or critical for whether this individual will suffer from PTSD. Potential intervention and treating methods are discussed and concluded from multiple studies reviewed. As an example, Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT) could successfully help police officers being more relax and relief from their depression and anxiety in their work. This paper objectives to explore more studies to help scholars to investigate treatment of PTSD. Moreover, this paper could be helpful to other researchers who investigate on similar topic and researching answers. There could be more specific and generalized research made into methods and treatment for PTSD. Overall, there is a bright future for those PTSD patients, more and more treatments and methods will be discovered and found.

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