
Indonesia has many areas with the various tourism potentials but faces obstacles in the management, one of them is Suranadi Tourism Village in Narmada District, West Lombok Regency. This research aimed to analyze 1) the potential and tourism management system in Suranadi Tourism Village; 2) internal and external factors affecting the development of Suranadi Tourism Village; 3) the development strategy of Suranadi Tourism Village. This research applies some theories such as tourism destination development theory by Cooper (1993), irridex theory by Doxey (1976), and tripartite attraction design theory by Gunn (1972). This research used qualitative approach with descriptive method. Data obtained through interviews and observation. The method of data analysis in this research is by qualitative data analysis and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the potential of Suranadi Village as a cultural tourism village that is the potential of nature and culture. The various of potentials in the Suranadi Tourism Village as a whole has not managed professionally and optimally so that economic benefits are not fully felt for local community. The results of SWOT matrix analysis showed that there are four alternative strategies generated such as SO strategy (Strengths-Opportunities), ST strategy (Strengths-Threats), WO strategy (Weaknesses-Opportunities), WT strategy (Weaknesses-Threats).
 Keywords: tourism potential, development strategy, Suranadi Tourism Village, SWOT


  • Kegiatan pariwisata memberikan stimulus ekonomi pada perekonomian nasional

  • This research aimed to analyze 1) the potential and tourism management system in Suranadi Tourism Village; 2) internal and external factors affecting the development of Suranadi Tourism Village; 3) the development strategy of Suranadi Tourism Village

  • The method of data analysis in this research is by qualitative data analysis and SWOT analysis

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Landasan Teori dan Konsep

Dalam penelitian ini digunakan tiga teori yaitu teori pengembangan destinasi pariwisata oleh Cooper (1993), teori irridex oleh Doxey (1976), teori tripartite attraction design oleh Gunn (1972). Berdasarkan pendapat Zebua (dalam Sanjaya, 2018:92) menyatakan bahwa desa wisata adalah sebuah kawasan pedesaan yang mempunyai karakteristik khusus untuk menjadi daerah tujuan wisata dengan keunikan fisik maupun kehidupan sosial dan budaya masyarakat setempat sebagai daya tariknya. Berikut potensi daya tarik wisata Desa Wisata Suranadi berdasarkan pada Teori Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata oleh Cooper (1993) yakni 4A (Attractions, Amenities, Access, dan Ancillary Services). Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, promosi daya tarik wisata di Desa Suranadi sangat kurang, baik melalui media cetak, elektronik atau media sosial, sehingga banyak potensi-potensi wisata yang dimiliki belum dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Dengan adanya kehadiran wisatawan di Desa Suranadi, masyarakat lokal mengharapkan manfaat ekonomi yang dihasilkan bisa memberikan lapangan pekerjaan baru dan produk wisata yang dimiliki memiliki nilai ekonomi sehingga pendapatan masyarakat pun juga semakin meningkat.

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