
Trains of electrical stimuli of increasing intensity were applied to the surface of the anterior suprasylvian gyrus to produce afterdischarges (AD) that remained localized or spread to a recording site 2 cm posteriorly in the same gyrus. The local afterdischarge was associated with a negative steady potential (SP) shift and increases in [K +] 0 that were maximal at or near the surface and gradually decreased in magnitude at deeper layers of the cortex. During spreading AD, recordings at the stimulus site showed a secondary increase in both the SP shift and [K +] 0 at about 400 to 1400 μm below the cortical surface. As the AD invaded the distant recording site it was associated with a comparable negative SP shift and increase in [K+]o. Neither the appearance of local AD nor its spread to the distant recording site were contingent upon critical elevations of [K +] 0. During secondary increases in [K+]o glial depolarizations were less than would be predicted if the membrane potential were determined solely by changes in the ratio of intra- to extracellular [K +]. Smaller deviations from the Nernst equation also occurred during the repolarizing phase of glial depolarization produced by weaker stimuli that did not produce a secondary increase in [ K +] 0. Only immediately after the stimulus train did the relationship between glial depolarization and [K +] 0 approach the expected slope of a K + electrode. Simultaneous intracellular recording of neurons and [K +] 0 did not show an increase in neuronal firing rate or membrane depolarization to account for the additional increase in [K +] 0 during spreading AD. The possible sources of the secondary increase in [K +] 0 and the significance of the failure of glia to depolarize to levels predicted by the Nernst equation are discussed.

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