
Introduction: Proper posture is essential for preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and ergonomic problems in elderly adults. This study aims to analyze the reading posture of elderly residents in the Esposos Bishara seniors’ residence, located in Tachina Parish, Esmeraldas Canton, Ecuador. Methods: A quantitative methodology was employed using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method to evaluate the reading postures of twelve elderly individuals aged between 63 and 99 years. Data were collected in designated reading spaces within the asylum. Results: The analysis revealed that the elderly participants exhibited medium to low risks of developing MSDs and ergonomic problems during reading activities. The predominant risk factors included neck flexion and prolonged static postures. Discussion: These findings align with existing literature that highlights the importance of ergonomic interventions in reducing MSD and ergonomic risks among elderly adults. The study underscores the need for ergonomic adjustments in reading environments to enhance postural health. Conclusion: The study concludes that while the risk levels are not alarmingly high, ergonomic modifications are necessary to mitigate potential MSDs in elderly readers. Future research should explore broader populations and varying reading environments.

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