
Background: Breast milk (breast milk) is the best food for babies that contains various important components in the body such as leukocytes, proteins, and other immune substances that are suitable for babies. Breast milk also supports optimal growth and development of children and protects against disease attacks. One way to increase breast milk production in puerperal mothers is by doing breast care. The purpose of the study was to provide obstetric care to puerperal mothers with a focus on breast care interventions to determine the effect of breast care on breast milk productivity in puerperal mothers.Method: The research design that researchers use is a case study research design. This type of descriptive case study research uses participatory observation methods. The subjects in the study were puerperal mothers. Result: The results showed that Mrs. D had an uneven milk production and the mother complained that the baby was cranky. Evaluation of the implementation of breast care 2 times a day at the time of morning shower and afternoon bath. Mrs. D with the inability of breast milk production there is an increase in the scale of breast milk production.Conclusion: The influence of breast care with an increase in the scale of breast milk production in puerperal mothers. Keyword: Puerperal Mother, Breast Care.

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