
The article deals with the influence of the artistic element of the advertising message on the effectiveness of the commercial offer. Postmodern ist aesthetics is presented as an important component of modern manipulative technologies in the world media. Contemporary advertising is presented as a high-tech art that is media oriented and focused on the emotional and image dominan t element of the consumer audience. It determined the increased attention of advertisers to the philosophy and aesthetics of po s tmodernism. The techniques and methods that increase the effectiveness of the advertising message are explored. It is the use of the culture of laughter and innovative, creative and original verbal and non-verbal means of influence, which provide a postmodern ist artistic approach to comprehending advertising images. The w ays of depicting emotional and image elements that dictate the use of artistic creative methods in advertising discourse are presented. Postmodernism is defined as artistic behavior that is effectively used in the modern advertising business. Rejection of reality is one of the ideological precepts of the aesthetics of postm o d e r n ism, the aesthetics of a high level of consciousness and intellectuality. Cultural mediocrity involves citing marked by a slight irony, joke, and grotesque . The main directions of development of postmodern advertising genres, the directions of formation "cit ing " of advertising image created in aesthetics of postmodernism are presented in the work. It is stated that advertising created in postmodernist aesthetics makes the effect of fragmentation as one of the features. It is underlined that politics and language are the tools for targeting the audience, and the rejection of truth is the characteristics of postmodernist advertising. I ntertextuality is defined effective in creating the effect of the unspoken providing the space for imagination to the consumer.

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