
E-District Portal is one of the popular Information and Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives of Government of India to manage district administration in more effective way in place of manual system in West Bengal with the others state of India. Author(s) main objective is to explore different important factors in pilot district of West Bengal those are directly involved with the common citizen's satisfaction and contributing to citizen's behavioral change towards acceptance of e-District project, which could be a lesson learn to take more corrective action to roll out e-District services in future. A well set up questionnaires have been developed over the different related observables and conducted survey among the common citizen's randomly to get their feedback. In this study, quantitative methodology has been adopted to analyze the various observables. The Principal Component method and VARIMAX rotation options of Factor Analysis has been utilized to reduce the set of observables in order to identify key factors. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value also has been measured to check the adequacy of the collected dataset for factor analysis.

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