
Two female loggerhead turtles ( Caretta caretta) were tracked, following nesting at Alagadi Beach (35°33′N, 33°47′E), Northern Cyprus, eastern Mediterranean for 60 and 82 days, respectively. The two individuals showed marked differences in their behaviour. Individual A was tracked to Syrian coastal waters, whereas individual B travelled around the coast of Northern Cyprus to a foraging site in the waters off the east coast of Northern Cyprus. Submergence durations varied markedly during different phases of the migration, suggesting coastal foraging/resting at certain stages en route with sustained directed travelling movements during initial coastal movements and open ocean crossing . Both turtles showed fidelity to foraging grounds for the duration of transmissions (Turtle A: 36 days; Turtle B: 58 days). In both cases, locations were centred in inshore waters although the two individuals exhibited quite different submergence patterns. Individual A carried out very short dives of typical duration <10 min, whereas Individual B carried out longer dives with typical duration >20 min. Diel differences in submergence duration at the foraging grounds suggested longer dives at night/early morning for both turtles. For Turtle A, there was a general reduction in submergence duration as the period of residence increased; a pattern that may have been related to increasing temperature experienced. The total distance travelled by the two turtles (320 and 227 km) was relatively short when compared to satellite tracking studies of conspecifics following nesting in South Africa and USA and tagging studies of nesting loggerhead turtles in Greece and Australia. It is hypothesized that short migratory distance may be correlated with both the small body size and the relatively high frequency of remigration in this population.

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