
Various parameters can be used for the estimation of gestational age and maturity with arising challenges in the assessment of decomposed bodies. In order to assess gestational age and thus maturity, the study measured the femoral length, the diameter of the distal femoral epiphysis and the presence of the proximal tibial epiphysis compared to a known clavicle length. The resulting gestational ages were compared and statistically evaluated. As a result, discrepancies between the estimated gestational ages became apparent in some cases when comparing the individual structures to be measured. However, there was a clear tendency towards a lower gestational age calculated based on clavicle length and a higher gestational age calculated based on femoral length and distal femoral epiphysis. With regard to the assessment of maturity, it has been concluded that, if the proximal tibial epiphysis is present, maturity can also be assumed based on the diameter of the distal femoral epiphysis and the length of the femur.

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