
The leading factor of the transformation of the legal sphere of post-industrial society is the technological challenges that create risks of technological and legislative singularity. The legal culture is transformed in connection with the formation of a new worldview and legal thinking. The purpose of the study is to determine the factors, patterns, prospects and risks of transformation of the culture of law-making in post-industrial society. The result was the identification of factors of the transformation of the culture of law-making. The increase of the technological component in the composition of the law-making culture of post-industrial society has caused such patterns of its transformation as the symbiosis of legal and digital technologies, the blurring of the lines between the object and the subject, the object and the result of law-making. Prospects for further transformations of the culture of law-making are revealed — acquiring new functions, transforming the system of law and restructuring its sources, innovations in the subject and object composition, stages and technological component of law-making, its inherent terminology. Human-machine interaction, hybridization as the main features of the emerging “digital” culture of law-making not only has advantages, but also carries serious risks, the management of which, along with the proactive impact, becomes the most important function of the law-making culture of post-industrial society

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