
The study to examine the post harvest losses and marketing pattern of chick pea has been done in Jaspur district of Northern hills of Chhattisgarh state. The study was undertaken by taking 60 sample farms during the year 2016-17. Formal survey method was used to collect required information from sample area. The objectives were achieved by using exponential function, regression and perception analyses. The overall post harvest loses at farm level was estimated to be 6.06 kg/quintal and 38.21 kg/hectare and maximum losses found during drying (36.93 %) followed by storage (35.61%) and harvesting of chick pea (09.81%) to the total losses. Total post-harvest losses at farms level was found to be the maximum in large farms being 7.02 kg. The marketable surplus in chick pea at marginal, small, medium, large and overall farms were 1.81, 2.62, 4.43, 18.27 and 4.17 quintal per farm constituting 67.79, 70.37, 73.46, 77.87 and 71.41 per cent to their total production respectively. The overall quantity of chick pea sold by producer was 2.07 (49.65%), 1.19 (28.47%) and 0.91 (21.88%) direct to consumer, village trader and wholesaler respectively. In post harvest losses unavailability of capital (80%) ranks first among all constraints and in marketing of chick pea lack of cheap transportation facility (95%) was the major constraint. It is suggested that there is a need to smoothening the process of farmer credit by financial agencies in the study area for minimizing post harvest losses. Also availability of cheap transportation facility will help to strengthen the marketing channel of the study area.

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