The problem which is stated in the title of the present article is not new. It, just as its individual aspects with reference to the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station and other hydro developments in Siberia, was elucidated widely in the literature [1-10]. The mass media discuss this problem in their own way and quite emotionally. Therefore, we considered it expedient to again call attention to the problem and to show in the present review that it is solvable and its solution can be realized. The most important factors determining the temperature and ice regime of the lower pools of hydrostations are the thermal regime of the reservoir (including the temperature of the water entering the lower IX~Ol from the reservoir), the regime of releases of the hydrostations, and the meteorological conditions. In addition to these factors, the size of the reservoir (area, volume, depth), its configuration, hydrologic regime under regulated conditions, and inflow to the reservoir have an effect. The conditions of the entry of water from the upper into the lower pool related to the depth of the water-intake openings as well as discharges into rivers of warn industrial waters by enterprises and other water users, which occur in the lower pools of hydrostations, also have a quite substantial effect. The role of the last factor increases with increase of the volume and temperature of the waters being discharged. Therefore when speaking about the lower pool of the Krasnoyarsk hydrostation one must not forget about the largest city in Siberia located 40 km from the hydrostation and the large volumes of heated waters being discharged by enterprises and municipal services of the city and its industrial zone. In Eastern Siberia large high-head hydro developments -- the Bratsk and Ust'-Ilim hydrostations -- are operating on the Angara River. Therefore it is advisable, in our opinion, to examine certain problems of the ice and thermal regime in the lower pools of hydrostations in comparison with analogous data on the Krasnoyarsk hydrostation. Table 1 gives data on the temperature of water entering the lower pool of these hydrostations from the upper pool. The data in Table 1 indicate that the average winter water temperatures in December-May are in the lower pool of the Bratsk hydrostation 2.16~ Ust'-Ilim hydrostation 1.61~ and Krasnoyarsk hydrostation 2.36~ We note also that the water temperature of the Krasnoyarsk hydrostation in December is equal to the water temperature in November at the Bratsk and Ust'-Ilim hydrostations. Table 2 gives the values of the water discharges that entered the lower pools of the indicated hydrostations in the November-May period under natural conditions and during their operation. As is seen from Table 2, winter discharges under regulated conditions increased considerably. However, whereas at the Krasnoyarsk hydrostation the average discharge in November-May increased by 3.6 times, at the Bratsk and Ust'-Ilim hydrostations the increase was respectively 1.5 and 1.4. It is necessary to note that on the Yenisei River below the debouchment of the Angara this increase was 1.8 (the site of Yeniseisk 44 km below the mouth of the Angara). Thus, discharges of the same order enter the lower pools of the investigated hydrostations in November-May: Krasnoyarsk 2300 m3/sec, Bratsk 2870 m3/sec, Ust'-Ilim 2740 m3/sec. An increase of the discharge and temperature of the water arriving from the reservoir determines the formation of a polynya in the lower pools. Table 3 gives information about the maximum approach of the ice edge to the Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust'-Ilim, and Zeya hydrostations. The data of Table 3 indicate that the length of the polynya in the lower pool of the Krasnoyarsk hydrostation even under conditions of the initial fdling (1967-1969) of the reservoir, where the smallest releases into the lower pool occurred, was close to the length of the free part of the lower pool of other hydrostations under their normal operating conditions. It is necessary to note that the considerable length of the polynya in the lower pool of the Krasnoyarsk hydrostation is to some extent due also to discharges of industrial wastewaters enterprises in Krasnoyarsk city and its industrial zone. We
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