
This paper discusses the issues concerning the policy of revitalisation as the basis for planning and carrying out the social and economic reconstruction of Ukraine. It is crucial to consider the scale of destruction and degradation of urban tissue, as well as the migration which occurred in the wake of the military operations. As a result, it is necessary to devise a specific programme of revitalisation which would use innovative organisational and guarantee instruments on a macro-, meso-, and microeconomic levels. The paper considers the factors which determine the aims of the municipal revitalisation policies, as well as their models, which include an analysis of degradation of urban areas as a step in the development of cities. The paper includes an examination of demographic factors, as well as those, which are associated with depopulation. In addition, the importance of urban infrastructure was highlighted in the process of revitalisation. Furthermore, the paper covers the analysis of literature regarding experiences in terms of using revitalisation clusters in degraded areas. The development of chosen clusters in cities in Western Europe was examined, having identified and evaluated basic conditioning factors of their use in revitalisation processes. Moreover, the importance of clusters was discussed, together with their possible use by establishing ‘Key National Cluster’ and, within its confines, ‘Regional Key Clusters’ in chosen oblasts in Ukraine according to their division into international areas of reconstruction. The scale of destruction and degradation of given areas of Ukraine was evaluated in terms of particular elements of revitalisation, together with the costs associated with reconstruction. This analysis covers the losses Ukraine experienced between July and December 2022.

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