
The article is devoted to defining the essence and role of corporate (value) image as a factor of the value-oriented competiti-veness at the enterprise. The relevance of topic is due to growing role of intangible assets, image of the company, in the growth of its market value. Need for further research is connected with the problem of valuation of image. It is also connected with fact that in the highly concentrated basic industries of economy in Ukraine the overwhelming number of enterprises are cost oriented. Purpose of the work is to improve methodology of assessing the image of a value-oriented enterprise based on the concept of Balanced Scorecard - BSC. The system-structural analysis and the method of logical generalization were used to clarify essence and place of image in the structure of intangible assets of the enterprise, factor and economic-mathematical analysis – to form the BSC management panel and to calculate the integral index of corporate image; critical analysis - to compare alternative approaches to form a Balanced Scorecard and role of company image in the implementation of its cost growth strategy. Assessment of the corporate (value) image of a metallurgical value-oriented enterprise is implemented by the normative method of integral evaluation of the investment attractiveness of enterprises and organizations. The Balanced Scorecard - BSC concept, which is emerged as a system of estimation of the cost and efficiency of the enterprise using measuring instruments of material and intangible factors of its value creation, was used as a tool for assessing the corporate (value) image of a metallurgical value-oriented enterprise. The validity of valuing image of a value-oriented enterprise based on the BSC concept is that a positive image of an industrial enterprise produces its future value in the stock market, which allows it to gain an edge over its competitors. The authors have improved the method of estimating the image of a value-oriented enterprise, which, unlike the known ones, involves the calculation of integral index of the corporate image of enterprise on the basis of the Balanced Scorecard. The comprehensive assessment of the indicator takes into account both positive characteristics and reasoning for the choice: significant orientation on expectations of the investment community; the possibility of taking into account contribution of intellectual capital of the enterprise in the creation of its future value; simplicity of calculation and availability of indicator logic perception at all levels of management; the ability to navigate key factors of value creation and value image of the enterprise to lower levels of management. The practical value of the proposed methodology for the assessment of corporate image is to determine the strategy of its adjustment and increase the strategic competitiveness of the enterprise.

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