
The article discloses post-traumatic events that destroy the usual stereotypes of behavior and dramatically cause a restructuring of the volunteers’ personality structure. The purpose of the article is post-traumatic growth in the context of the formation of a positive experience of volunteers in the conditions of war, whose role should be more supportive than mentor-authoritarian in providing assistance to the victims. During the study, the method «Diagnostics of the level of alexithymia (Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS))» and the questionnaires «The Changes in Outlook Questionnaire» (CiOQ) and «The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory» (PTGI) were used. which are applied in the context of the author’s ideas about post-traumatic growth. The general sample of people was made up of students, whose potential features revealed the peculiarities of post-traumatic growth as a factor of sustainable human life support in wartime conditions.The post-traumatic period is characterized by such signs as increased nervousness and sensitivity to suprathreshold stimuli. Victims’ actions are not always controlled, moreover, they are often tense in anticipation of negative events. PTSD situations are accompanied by apathy, panic and aggression. There is a need to provide self-help in the context of the volunteer’s post-traumatic growth.According to the results of psychocorrection, the volunteers of both groups experience qualitative changes in overcoming critical events that arise in the situation of overcoming extremely difficult challenges. Post-traumatic positive experience indicates the quality of interpersonal relationships, increased sensitivity and closeness to the personal environment. The post-traumatic growth of volunteers is based on a wise philosophy of life, in the realization of the values «We will manage. We are together».

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