
With the evolution of information technologies, the applicability in basic education in Brazilian public schools has been discussed, but few projects were, in fact, implemented, because they are difficult to implement, due to the lack of technological resources in schools and the complexity of the Portuguese language. . Information technologies are present in the daily lives of new generations and the tendency is to increase, since their use is directly related to the multiple tools of social media, games and in the various methods of internet research. However, the student environment still uses traditional teaching methods, not consistent with the student's reality, generating conflicts that can hinder learning. Therefore, this work presents a virtual reality tool that provides gamified, immersive and interactive three-dimensional virtual environments performed individually, in order to assist and facilitate the appropriation of knowledge and the teaching/learning process of Brazilian elementary school students. of the Portuguese 7Language course. This tool is aimed at improving school performance in understanding and interpreting verbal and non-verbal language, making students autonomous, supportive and competent. The virtual environments were evaluated by the project researchers through a specific usability questionnaire for this type of environment, obtaining a final average of 4.93 out of 5.0, being considered suitable for future use in classrooms.

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