
The nesting activity of marine turtles was studied at El-Mansouri, Lebanon during the peak nesting period 15th June to 18th July 2002. A total of 37 Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) nests and 5 Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) nests were recorded. Nests were not evenly distributed but showed distinct areas of concentration. The nesting success of C. caretta was 40.2% and for C. mydas 50%. C. caretta nesting density was 26.4 nests/km, and C. mydas 3.6 nests/km. The average distance of nests from the sea was 12.9 m for C. caretta and 19.7 m for C. mydas. Nests threatened by inundation were relocated to safe areas of the beach. Protective metal grids were placed over some nests to prevent nest predation. Efforts were made to raise public awareness of the plight of marine turtles in Lebanon. There is severe development pressure along the Lebanese coastline, and if the population of nesting turtles at El-Mansouri is to survive, immediate conservation efforts should be implemented.

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