
Music culture is truly close to the residents of Zaolzie. Upon the displacement of the border and hence pushing a large group of Polish people out of their own state’s territory, it became a significant determinant of their own, Polish national identity. In this culture-favorable conditions, a didactic-educational activity is carried out by 25 primary schools with Polish as the language of instruction, including 10 nine-grade schools and 15 five-grade schools. Additionally, in the Czech Cieszyn there is the only – in the region – four-grade Gimnazjum (equivalent to a Polish high school) with Polish as the Language of Instruction. These schools pursue an intense activity, aimed, among other things, to popularize culture and enable pupils to get involved in culture. The article presents results of the diagnostic research and shows selected aspects of music culture popularization through extracurricular activity of Polish schools in Zaolzie in 2019. These institutions pursued then, like in previous years, an exemplary popularizing activity among their pupils. Thanks to the press from Zaolzie, we can receive the current news on a thriving musical activity undertaken by Polish schools. This activity may be already defined as regular, since it occurs on a regular basis, depending on the circumstances: annually or every other year. In the development of their musical activity, particularly the vocal one, Polish schools are supported by the ‘Ars Musica’ Polish Art Society and the Pedagogical Center for the Polish National Education System.

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