
RESUMO O discurso científico produzido por e para especialistas chega, por meio da popularização da ciência (PC), à esfera pública da mídia, passando por deslocamentos no tempo, no espaço social e no discurso. Essa hibridização entre ciência e jornalismo gera o discurso do jornalismo científico, que busca tornar conhecido o desconhecido ou compreensível o hermético como um ato pedagógico. Consideramos esse processo como recontextualização do discurso da esfera científica na esfera jornalística, mediada pelo discurso pedagógico. Argumentamos, neste trabalho, que a notícia de PC e o artigo científico são membros de um mesmo sistema de gêneros que tornam público o discurso da ciência. Primeiramente, identificamos nosso quadro teórico de referência e as concepções de PC, sistema de gêneros e recontextualização. Em seguida, exploramos a interdiscursividade em um exemplar do gênero notícia de PC, ressaltando as relações existentes entre ciência, jornalismo e pedagogia nesse gênero.


  • The social conditions of production and appropriation of scientific discourse in Brazilian society have been the focus of surveys conducted in the last decade by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST)

  • Meaning production involves the perception of relations between text, social practice and institutional structure, connections between individual and social experiences, sociohistorical conditions of production, distribution and consumption of texts in society (VOLOCHINOV, 1995 [1929]; FAIRCLOUGH, 1989)

  • Our analysis aimed to expose the functioning of interdiscursivity among the discourses of science, journalism and pedagogy in the constitution of the science popularization (SP) news genre as part of the genre system of science

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The social conditions of production and appropriation of scientific discourse in Brazilian society have been the focus of surveys conducted in the last decade by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST). The SP process involves recontextualization and assumes that circulation of texts between the primary and secondary contexts results in shifts in the original intellectual field and relocation of the original discourse in new contexts (p.91) (MOTTA-ROTH, 2009, p.181).6 From this perspective, we assign a recontextualizing role to the media (instead of the school), as it mobilizes, in newspapers, magazines, television news and other media, explanatory and exemplifying resources commonly associated with pedagogical discourse. We assign a recontextualizing role to the media (instead of the school), as it mobilizes, in newspapers, magazines, television news and other media, explanatory and exemplifying resources commonly associated with pedagogical discourse In this dynamics, the media context is constituted as a space between the primary context of production of scientific research and non-specialist contexts of wider society. We discuss results from the umbrella projects, illustrating the debate with the analysis of an exemplar of the SP news genre, to demonstrate how science, pedagogy, and media discourses intersect in this genre

Critical Genre Analysis
Science Popularization as Intertextual Space
Recontextualization and System of Genres
Interdiscursivity in SP News
Analysis of Interdiscursivity in an Exemplar of SP News
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