
AbstractNew cobalt catalysts confined in an EnCatTM polyurea matrix by micro‐encapsulation of Al5Co2 or Al5Co2/Al3Ni2 phase containing alloys are disclosed for the reductive hydrogenation of 1‐iodo‐4‐nitrobenzene 1. The product 4‐iodo‐aniline 2 readily undergoes hydro‐desiodination and was used to demonstrate the extraordinary selectivity. Co EnCatTM significantly suppressed this follow‐up reaction under both batch and flow modes. The correlation between performance, elemental composition, and alloy content is presented for these novel catalysts. Among them, the hybrid micro‐encapsulated Co‐Ni catalyst showed higher activity than its Ni‐free analogue. In the flow process, this catalyst gave a high yield of 2 and very low level of 3. Hence, these novel Co EnCatTM catalysts hold promise with respect to the continuous‐flow hydrogenation of challenging halogenated nitroaromatic compounds.

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