
During 1999, a biological monitoring study was conducted at four sites along the Ligurian coast (Cornigliano, Voltri, Vado Ligure and Sanremo). At each site the concentration and composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were investigated in native and caged mussels. The mussels ( Mytilus galloprovincialis), sampled in the Spring and the Autumn, showed different accumulation patterns according to the source of pollution they were exposed to. The PAH concentrations were higher in the native than in the caged mussels. The coastal sites were classified according to PAH concentrations found in mussel tissue samples: Native mussels: Vado Ligure<Voltri<Sanremo<=Cornigliano, Caged mussels: Vado Ligure = Voltri = Sanremo ≪ Cornigliano. The different classification is explained by the different location of the organisms: native mussels were located near the air–water interface, while caged mussels were situated at – 3 m from the water surface. The PAH concentrations in the native and caged mussels showed a similar seasonal variability, and can provide the same information about the sources of PAHs.

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