
Maternally-deposited morphogens specify the fates of embryonic cells via hierarchically regulating the expression of zygotic genes that encode various classes of developmental regulators. Once the cell fates are determined, Polycomb-group proteins frequently maintain the repressed state of the genes. This study investigates how Polycomb-group proteins repress the expression of tailless, which encodes a developmental regulator in Drosophila embryo. Previous studies have shown that maternal Tramtrack69 facilitates maternal GAGA-binding factor and Heat shock factor binding to the torso response element (tor-RE) to initiate tailless repression in the stage-4 embryo. Chromatin-immunoprecipitation and genetic-interaction studies exhibit that maternally-deposited Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) recruited by the tor-RE-associated Tramtrack69 represses tailless expression in the stage-4 embryo. A noncanonical Polycomb-group response element (PRE) is mapped to the tailless proximal region. High levels of Bric-a-brac, Tramtrack, and Broad (BTB)-domain proteins are fundamental for maintaining tailless repression in the stage-8 to -10 embryos. Trmtrack69 sporadically distributes in the linear BTB-domain oligomer, which recruits and retains a high level of PRC1 near the GCCAT cluster for repressing tll expression in the stage-14 embryos. Disrupting the retention of PRC1 decreases the levels of PRC1 and Pleiohomeotic protein substantially on the PRE and causes tailless derepression in the stage-14 embryo. Furthermore, the retained PRC1 potentially serves as a second foundation for assembling the well-characterized polymer of the Sterile alpha motif domain in Polyhomeotic protein, which compacts chromatin to maintain the repressed state of tailless in the embryos after stage 14.

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