
With the increasing numbers of nucleic acid-based pharmaceuticals like antisense oligonucleotides (ASO), small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) entering the market, research facilities, pharmaceutical industries and also regulatory authorities have been looking for efficient analytical methods for these synthetic oligonucleotides (ON). Besides of conventional one-dimensional (1D) reversed-phase liquid chromatography with or without ion-pairing (IP-RP-LC, RP-LC), hydrophilic liquid chromatography (HILIC) and mixed-mode chromatography (MMC), two-dimensional (2D) approaches combining two orthogonal chromatographic techniques also become more relevant due to the high structural complexity of oligonucleotides. Recently, we tested a polybutylene terephthalate(PBT)-based stationary phase under ion-pairing free RP mode for the liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) analysis of siRNA (Patisiran). In this study, retention profile and chromatographic orthogonality, respectively, were compared to other LC-modes like HILIC, IP-RPLC, another ion-pair free cholesterol-bonded RPLC and MMC considering their normalized retention times. Finally, because of higher orthogonality, the ion-pairing free PBT-bonded RPLC as first dimension (1D) was hyphenated with HILIC in the second dimension (2D) in a selective comprehensive 2D-LC setup leading to an enhanced resolution for peak purity evaluation of the main ON entities.

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