The pollen morphology of 27 endemic and palaeoecologically-important species belonging to 16 families and 20 genera from the mountain rain forests of Sri Lanka was studied using both light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pollen grains exhibit a wide range of morphological characters. Their sizes (P and E) are in the range 10-53 2 9-60 mum, and they are distributed among seven shape classes. All the taxa have radially-symmetrical pollen grains except for Impatiens (bilateral). The amb varies from rounded to triangular, with intermediate shapes possible. The pollen grains of all the Lauraceae species studied are inaperturate and microspinose, with a thin, fragile, perforated exine. Sarcococca zeylanica (Buxaceae) has pantoporate pollen grains and a Croton -pattern consisting of faintly striate pegs of various shapes attached or enveloping the smooth rings. Colp(or)ate, syncolpate to parasyncolp(or)ate pollen grains with rugulate to perforate exine patterns occur in Eugenia mabaeoides ssp. mabaeoides and Syzygium ssp. (Myrtaceae). Osbeckia walkeri (Melastomataceae) has heterocolpate pollen with fossulate, foveolate to perforate exine pattern. 3-colporate, microreticulate pollen grains are met with in Euonymus revolutus (Celastraceae), and scabrate-microreticulate ones in Calophyllum walkeri (Clusiaceae). Hedyotis lawsoniae (Rubiaceae) pollen is microreticulate to perforate, while pollen of the Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) species is 3-colporate, smooth to scabrate-perforate. Casearia thwaitesii (Flacourtiaceae) has 3-colporoidate pollen grains with a smooth, imperforate to occasionally sparsely perforate exine. Mastixia spp (Cornaceae) have a granular-perforate exine pattern, while Adinandra lasiopetala (Theaceae) has a smooth-perforate exine pattern. Triangular 3 (4)-colporate, and indistinctly faintly microreticulate-perforate pollen was found in Rhamnus arnottianus (Rhamnaceae), rugulate-perforate in Isonandra montana (Sapotaceae) and verrucate-perforate in Symplocos elegans (Symplocaceae). Glochidion coriaceum (Euphorbiaceae) has a 5-colporate grain with a coarsely reticulate exine pattern. Pollen grains of Impatiens walkeri and I. thwaitesii (Balsaminaceae) are bilateral, 4-colpate, reticulate and granular. A pollen key based on light microscope is constructed for all the taxa studied.
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