
Politics is a major and integral part of society. Every individual who is physically impaired is also involved and affects the political process. The concept of a disabled person has modified into a differently abled person as disability depends upon the almighty’s decision or not in our hand so it’s never be neglected. India is a democratic and developing country; differently-abled people are also a part of the people. Without their political inclusion and participation, we cannot imagine the development of a democratic state. People possessing the nationality of a country are called citizens. All citizens have the right to say about, regulate, or access their own country’s progress and prosperity. The main motto of this presentation is to identify the Political Rights of Indian citizens. It also identifies the Political Rights of differently-abled persons in the 21st century. As Article 29 of UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) said, all people with disabilities have the same right to take part in politics as other citizens. Convention says that governments must be confirmed about the accessibility of differently-abled persons in the election process. This means: Making sure that the ways of voting and the voting papers are easy to use and understand. Being assured differently-abled people can vote secretly as other citizens can. During the vote, every Govt. can allow an assistant with each differently abled person to express their own choice or to elect easily. This study describes the Electoral Rights of physically and sensory disabled persons and related to this it examines the effectiveness of “The Right to Vote for All” in India. Numerous discrimination differently-abled people have witnessed as they are considered ‘inferior’ and ‘abnormal’ and received uneven treatment. Although the Disability Rights Movement in the 1970s said about equality, the differently abled still faces discrimination to take part in elections. In our country, the exclusion of differently-abled people from political participation takes place at all levels in different ways. The present investigation finds out the issues of differently abled person’s political participation and explores how to cope up with this for political and electoral inclusion.

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